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tanyaredefineyourlimits High School Student On Reef-Building Mission to Change World Reef Ball Foundation Featured in Wall Street Journal by Steph.
SW F Fishing News Dec 2000 many reserves we need and where to place them. It is our observation that NOW IS THE TIME TO MOVE ON THIS the politics and the science finally agree! Reef Ball is challenging every organization, political and individual to show their support for the concept of Marine Reserves anywhere worldwide. We don't want to get bogged down in taking sides on individual site selections or in determining how much might be too much; we just want to show broad support for Marine Reserves. To emphasize our challenge, the Reef Ball Foundation will provide Reef Ball molds through our grant program to any project that will use the Reef Balls within a protected marine reserve. We already have support from many organizations, such as the Recreational Fishing Alliance, and we are looking for others to join us in our support of marine reserves. Contact the Reef Ball Foundation at or e-mail kkirbo@hotmail.com if you would like to get active with our foundation on this issue. Thanks in advance for helping us to preserve our world's ocean ecosystems! MAKE DONATIONS TO REEF BALL FOUNDATION AS YOU DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING The Reef Ball Foundation has been accepted as a Greater Good Partner, so you can now start your online shopping from our web site and up to 15% of all your purchases will be automatically donated to the Reef Ball Foundation. Just go to www.reefball.org and click the Greater Good link. (Note: you must start from here each time you shop to ensure that donations are credited to the Reef Ball Foundation.) Visit The Reef Ball website at www.reefball.com for more interesting facts about Reef Balls. Visit The Reef Ball Foundation website at: www.reefball.org......