Kuwait Reef Ball Projects
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- CNN's
"Global Challenges" Reef Ball Segment (Audio.mp3) Video broadcast
Aug 29, 2004. Videos: Medium
Resolution (7 Megs Windows Media) Low
Resolution (2 Megs Windows Media)
- CNN.com
- Transcripts, Headline News Sept. 25, 2004 OR
View Video (7 megs)
- CNN July 5th, 2004 Global Challenges, Kuwait Picture Links 1
- July
5th, Al Anba Kuwait (In Arabic)
- July
5th Arab Times: CNN Shots Reef Ball Project (In English)
- July
5th 2004, Kuwait Times,
- Kuwait
- Powerpoint Presention Given
in Kuwait by Todd Barber (PPT)
- Kuwait
Diving Team (Authorized Imitation Reef Balls)
- www.kuwait-diving-team.com
(Team Website)
- Presenting
a model Reef Ball to Sheikh Ahmad Fahd Al-Sabah (the Amir's nephew) Minister
for Energy on 2nd Oct. 2003 This was presented at the prestigious
Keiran Beach Resort prior to his diving with the KDT guys on the 'Jabber
Al-Kuwait Reef' further up the coast.
- 2003 Reef Ball display at the British Embassy
(1, 2)
- Kuwait
Conference on Divers (Photos)
- Good Morning
Kuwait (9.2 MB, 20 minutes Video) [In Arabic & English], Interview
with Todd Barber, President of RBDG May 25, 2000 for the International
Conference on Scuba Divers and the Environment. Download the Real Media Plug
In at http://www.real.com if
you don't have in already installed.
- Status of the Coral Reefs of
- Reef
Balls TM:
An advanced technique to mimic natural reef systems using designed
artificial reefs (Abstract
of above in Arabic)
- July 2003 Training at Kuwait Reef Ball Photos
-Charts and Sat. Photos of
Reef Ball Construction Site and Coral Transplant Training Demonstration for
the Kuwait Dive Team
- Scientific Names of
Corals in Kuwait & some identifying photos
- Qaro Island
Reef Ball Submerged Breakwater Investigation Photos
- In July 2003 Reef Ball Foundation Inc. Services Division trained Reef Ball Kuwait to
construct Reef Balls. The Kuwait Dive Team ordered 10 supersized
"layer-cake" and other style Reef Balls with Coral
Transplant Adapters.
- Andy
Wilson from the The
Scientific Center of Kuwait (Marine Aquarium) has joined the Reef Ball Coral
Reef Rescue Team. Andrew Wilson <andy@tsck.org.kw>
He will be assisting Reef Ball Kuwait with Coral Transplants and Coral
Propagation in Kuwait and on international assignments.
- Green
Cross International Report on Environmental Damages 7 years after the Gulf
War (Edited to only the Marine Resources Sections by RBDG).
- A
Special Thanks to Caroline Dive Center for aiding Reef Ball staff in doing
site monitoring during our visit.

Morning Kuwait (9.2 MB, 20 minutes) [In Arabic & English],
Interview with Todd Barber, President of RBDG May 25, 2000 for the International
Conference on Scuba Divers and the Environment. |
Mold Owners
The Kuwait Reef Ball Company has 1 Ultra, 1 Pallet, 1 Bay, 1 Mini-Bay, and 1
Lo-Po mold for commerical use under authorized contractor license from the Reef Ball Foundation Inc. Services Division They have also ordered a Goliath sized
One of the The Kuwait Dive Teams, mistakenly built some imitation "reef ball"
molds (made of steel) because they did not understand our licensing guidelines.
They were granted permission to use these molds for non-commercial use only for
the club until Reef Ball gained representation in the area. As of
6/2003, Kuwait Reef Ball Company will supply the Kuwait Dive Team's Reef Ball
needs and the old "molds" will be retired.
Other Stuff:
Faisal Al Omani falomani@hotmail.com
represents a group of individuals that enjoy building reefs and helping the
Kuwait oceanic ecosystems.
"Dr. Jasem Almudhaf" <iccicc@mail.com>
Expressed an early interested in representing Reef Balls in Kuwait and in
helping Reef Ball to protect intellectual property in Kuwait.
Fahad y. Al Fahad is with the Kuwait Dive Team <k_d_t@hotmail.com>
Authorized Contractors for the Area
Reef Ball Company 
P O Box 29643
Safat 13157, Kuwait
00 965 2465962/9385681
Symns – General Manager

(German Version)
Company for integrated sea and coastal research and authorized
Reef Ball Contractor
Dipl.-Biol. Thomas Meyer
Wischhofstraße 1-3, Building 11
24148 Kiel
FON: +49 (0) 431 72070 81
FAX: +49 (0) 431 72070 85
Email: marilim@reefball.com
Wilson from the The
Scientific Center of Kuwait (Marine Aquarium) has joined the Reef Ball Coral
Reef Rescue Team. Andrew Wilson <andy@tsck.org.kw>
He will be assisting Reef Ball Kuwait with Coral Transplants and Coral
Propagation in Kuwait and on international assignments.
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Ltd. all rights reserved. See brochure
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