Project Summaries For Reef Ball Development Group, Ltd.
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- Comprehensive List of Artificial Reef Coordinates By State (Not just Reef Balls)
Reef Ball (tm) Project List & Description By Start Date
(In order of our OLDEST Sites first, go to the bottom of the page to see our newest sites)
West Palm Beach Test Site.
- The Group's first ocean test reef consisted of three Reef Balls (tm) deployed south of Peanut Island in the Intracoastal waterway in August of 1993. (Loran C 31060.0 62040.1 or Lat/Long 26'-45'.005 80'-02'.575) Three newer designs were added in August of 1994 and dedicated as a memorial reef. Three additional smaller sizes were added in August of 1995. The project is associated with the Department of Natural Resources and the Palm Beach County Reef Research Dive Team. A video monitoring and photographs are available from RBDG. Ltd.
- Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, Boca Raton.
- In Feb. of 1994, a Reef Ball (tm) was constructed on site in an outdoor aquarium designed for sea turtles. In March of 1995, a Bay Ball was added to a smaller touch tank display. In May of 1995, an Oyster Ball (tm) was also added to the touch tank. Model Reef Balls (tm) are in the saltwater aquariums inside the nature center. The project was under direction of the staff marine biologist. (Other aquariums also have Reef Balls (tm) including the Dallas Aquarium, Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary, The Museum of Land and Sea in Panama City, Florida, and plans for an exhibit in Disney's Epcot, The Living Seas Exhibit are underway).
Atlantis Submarine's Cancun Mexico Project.
- In July of 1994, Atlantis Submarine, Cancun, began construction of a Reef Ball (tm) double corridor composed of about 300 Reef, Pallet and Bay Balls (tm) with the primary intent of providing passengers with the opportunity to view the reef. Subsequently, Atlantis is planning an ecological project in Cancun and is considering Reef Ball (tm) reefs for their operations in Hawaii, Alaska and the Virgin Islands. The reef in Cancun is being studied by two marine biologists. The hurricane that hit Cancun in October did significant damage to the growth on the Reef Balls and even some of the natural reefs but Atlantis expects the Reef Balls to recover quickly and has already resumed submarine operations.
- Ft. Lauderdale Department of Natural Resource Protection.
- In July of 1995, the Reef Ball Development Group secured a private donor to lend 6 mold systems to the County to build a memorial reef. Using floating deployment techniques, and end of day concrete waste, the county has built and deployed more than 85 modules. Some clusters are within 300 yards off shore (directly off of Los Olas Blvd.) and others are deployed as deep as 150 feet further offshore. A series of the larger Reef Balls (tm) were barge deployed off of Hollywood Beach in August of 1994. In July of 1995, the county purchased the mold systems to make it a continual project. An Eagle Scout is currently using the molds for his final project. Ken Banks, of the Department of Natural Resource Protection oversees the projects.
- Earl Barber Memorial Reefs
- 4 Pallet Balls AT 2607.462 8005.885 Depth=24 feet Deployed 2/7/95
8 Pallet Balls AT 2607.494 8004.912 Depth=65 feet
5 Pallet Balls & 1 Bay Ball. AT 2607.807 8004.390 Depth=144 feet
10 Reef Balls, 2 Pallet Balls, 12 Bay Balls AT 2601.100 8005.380 Depth=70 feet- Note: DO NOT DIVE OR FISH THESE REEFS THEY ARE BEING STUDIED BY NOVA UNIVERSITY!! THESE COORDINATES ARE FOR RESEARCHERS ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- NOVA University.
- Since the fall of 1994, Nova University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida has been conducting a study about Reef Balls and has deployed several arrays for testing fish recruitment to shallow and deep water reefs in Ft. Lauderdale. As part of the study, a research team, including Dr. Richard Spieler who is overseeing the research, traveled to Cancun and built a control array near the Atlantis Submarine reef with the help of Atlantis Submarine. A preliminary study finding report has been completed, but research for the project will continue for several years before final publication. Molds were provided for the project under the Group's University Research Free Mold Program (sm).
- Boy Scout High Adventure Sea Base in Florida Keys.
- In August of 1994, the Reef Ball Group secured a donation of a Bay Ball (tm) mold for the Boy Scout High Adventure Sea Base on Islamorada in the Florida Keys. As part of the adventure, boys and girls build and deploy Bay Balls (tm) on a permitted site 3 miles offshore in shallow waters. The project was expanded in 1995 to include the use of the smaller Lo-Pro Ball (tm) and Oyster Ball (tm) molds . Slides are available of the boys and girls constructing the Reef Balls (tm) and of the underwater scene. The molds were donated by Charbon's Outdoors America Dive Shop in Athens, Georgia. (706) 548-7225. "Charbon's Alley" and "Scout" reef is located at 24" 45.41' N and 80" 49.11'W.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.
- In August of 1994, the Reef Ball Group's Reefs Around The Nation Program (sm) provided the DNR with 14 mold systems to produce two test reefs of 150 modules each to evaluate their potential in SC waters. One set was placed off Charleston and was built by DNR staff members. A second set for Hilton Head Island was built by the Hilton Head Sport Fishing Association. In June of 1995, the DNR ordered from Reef additional 800 modules for four new reef sites. The Parks and Recreation Department ordered an additional 200 Pallet Balls to be used by a county pier to enhance fishing. Both projects were completed in September, 1995.
- Paradise Artificial Reef (200 Pallet Balls)
- Located in 30 feet of water, approximately 2.5 miles east of Murrells Inlet (33" 31.3'N, 078" 57.8'W)
- North Inlet Artificial Reef (200 Pallet Balls)
- Located in 45 feet of water, approximately 10 miles northeast of the Winyah Bay Jetties (33" 20.3N, 079"01.2'W)
- Capers Artificial Reef (200 Pallet Balls)
- Located in 40 feet of water, approximately 12 miles east of the Charleston Harbor Jetties (32" 44.5N, 079"34.5'W)
- Fripp Island Artificial Reef (200 Pallet Balls)
- Located in 35 feet of water, approximately 3 miles southeast of Fripp Inlet (32" 15.5N, 080"22.5"W)
- Folly Beach Fishing Pier, Charleston SC (200 Pallet Balls)
- Located in 15-20 feet of water in groups of 10 spaced about 50 feet apart on the southwest side of the pier directly under to fifty feet away from the pier.
- Virginia DNR.
- In August of 1995, four mold systems were delivered to the Virginia DNR to construct test reefs under the Reefs Around The Nation Program (sm). In December, two of the molds were then shipped the New York DNR for further testing. Both programs are currently securing funding for future Reef Ball (tm) projects.
- Key Biscayne National Park
- In August of 1994, several Bay and Pallet Balls (tm) were deployed by park officials to determine if modules could be used as a coral reef nursery to harbor transplanted corals until needed for re-transplantation to damaged sites. Molds and modules used in the project were provided free to the park under the Group's Reefs Around The Nation Program (sm). Experimental Nu-tech chips (ceramic plates designed by Nu-Tech Ceramics, Inc. to grow coral) were also used, but results have been inconclusive.
- England's National Rivers Authority.
- In February of 1995, two Bay Ball (tm) and one Pallet Ball (tm) mold systems were delivered to Sussex for use in freshwater concrete lined canals. We have not yet received a final report.
- United Arab Emirates National Avian Research Center
- UAE-NARC ordered a Reef Ball (tm) mold system in August of 1995.
- (Port Canaveral) Brevard County Soild Waste/NAUI Project.
- In August of 1994, six molds were obtained with a DEP grant administered by the Brevard County Solid Waste Department of $25,000 to build a Reef Ball (tm) artificial reef in Brevard County, Florida. The Central Florida NAUI Chapter, an association of dive instructors, led the project and got volunteers from the community, the county Artificial Reef Coordinator, Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), the Space Coast Marine Institute, Saltwater News, CFOA (Central Florida Offshore Anglers), and several fishing tournaments to help. On May 4th, 70 Reef Balls were put down. By July of 1995, over 150 Reef Balls had been placed 16 miles offshore. With cooperation from the Brevard County Solid Waste Program, future grants are being applied for to continue the program. FIT, under direction from Prof. Lee Harris, P.E. is continuing a monitoring program. (Reef 2 at Loran 43860.0 & 61921.0 Reef 1 at Loran 43865.1 & 61926.7 or Lat 2823.500 Long 8017.500 ) On 10/10/95 Wilson Love of Saltwater New reported that lane snapper are schooling around the reef.
- City of Valparaiso Project off Destin, Florida.
- In December of 1994, the city obtained a Department of Environmental Resource Protection (DEP) grant to build 240 Pallet Balls (tm) and deploy them offshore. Community charterboat captains and local dive shops pulled together and added additional Bay Balls (tm) and video monitorings to the project. The reef has been a success with divers reporting an abundance of fish and other interesting marine life while fishermen report large catches of snapper. Although the final deployment reports have not been filed yet, some of the Reef Balls can be found at Loran 13737.9 and 47059.1. THIS REEF SURVIVED A CATEGORY 3 HURRICANE!
Dixie County, Florida Project.
- In June of 1995, Dixie County undertook a Reef Ball (tm) project in conjunction with the local Dixie County High School. Four molds were purchased by the school to be used by the with a DEP grant to deploy several hundred Bay and Pallet Balls (tm). Already the school, led by Steve Langford (Shop teacher), Dick Wittman (Biology teacher), and Mike McCaskill (Principal), has produced 70 Reef Balls (tm) even though the final grant monies are still pending. To further help the community, grant monies will be used to hire fishermen who lost income due to the net ban to carry the modules out to sea. The school will produce a training tape about the project for the state Department of Natural Resources Protection Division with an additional grant given for an underwater video camera.
- Coastal Reef Builders Inc.
- In January of 1995, Dale Minnick and Bill Carson made an agreement with the Reef Ball Group to distribute Reef and Pallet Balls (tm) for private use in Florida's new large area permit off the Panhandle in Florida. Dale has purchased a specialized craft to provide private coordinate deployments for panhandle fishermen or divers. Dale deployed the Reef Balls for the Hernando County and Sarasota County Projects in November. Dale is taking orders for the Large Area Permit at 850-469-0734. He does the permitting and provides you with private coordinates and only charges $300 per Reef Ball and $200 per Pallet Ball Deployed! (Prices subject to change) HURRY, Dale expects a backlog to quickly develop because of the great demand for hurricane stable reefs. Dale is also capable of delivering Reef and Pallet Balls to Alabama's Large Area Permit too.
- State of Georgia, Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
- In May of 1995, the Georgia DNR ordered 500 Pallet Balls (tm) from Reef Ball. During production, the DNR increased its order by 10% for a total of 550 modules. Construction was completed in July and modules were deployed in early August. Forty additional Bay Balls (tm) were ordered for use in inland tidal areas and were deployed in September. The state is now planning freshwater and more widespread tidal water applications for future projects. The state's Artificial Reef Coordinator is making a presentation regarding Reef Balls (tm) in Corsica, Spain in late September to European reef builders.
- Artificial Reef Site CAT (400 Pallet Balls)
- Corner coordinates for CAT are 31" 40.2' N, 80" 58.6' W; 31" 40.2' N, 80" 56.2' W; 31" 38.2' N, 80" 56.2' W; and 31" 38.2' N, 80" 58.6' W. Site CAT is a two NM by two NM area, with it's NW corner positioned at 90" at 1.4 nm off USCG channel buoy RW"STC" or approximately 7-8 nm east of St. Catherine's Island. From USCG buoy RW"T" marking the Savannah River entrance, the distance (one-way) to the site is approximately 22 nm.
- Artificial Reef Site KTK (150 Pallet Balls)
- Corner coordinates for KTK are 31" 31.3' N, 81" 01.5' W; 31" 31.3' N, 80" 59.1' W; 31" 29.3' N, 80" 59' W; and 31" 29.3' N, 81" 01.5' W. Site KTK is a two NM by two NM area with it's northwest corner positioned at 90" at 1.9 NM off USCG channel buoy RWC(S) or approximately 7 to 8 NM east of Blackbeard Island. From USCG buoy RW(T) marking the Savannah River entrance, the distance to the site is approximately 32 NM.
Hernando County, Florida Project.
- The county, with a DEP $50,000 dollar grant, awarded a contract to Florida Mining and Materials & Reef Ball to construct over 160 Reef, Pallet and Balls (tm) were deployed in November 1995 at 28 30 08 N 82 58 48 /28 29 57 N 82 58 59 W /28 30 17 N 82 58 48 W /28 30 17 N 82 58 59 W /28 29 59 N 82 58 42W Volunteers from the Hernando Reef Explorers Dive Club helped Reef Ball to construct the modules.
- Sarasota County, Florida Project
- The county has also received a DEP $50,000 dollar grant and the bid was awarded to Kelly Brothers of Naples, Florida to construct and deploy over 200 Reef, Pallet and Bay Balls (tm), also deployed in November.
- Sarasota County has 29 artificial reef sites. Six of these sites are in the bay, the remaining 23 range from .8 nm offshore in 22 feet of water to over 25 nm offshore in 110 feet of water. Reef Materials range from concrete culvert to military landing crafts to M-60 tanks to Reef Balls. The fishing and diving is great. For more information please contact the Sarasota County Coastal Zone Division at (941) 378-6113 or at P.O. Box 8, Sarasota, Florida 34240.
- Artificial Reef Site M-17, (50 Reef Balls, 100 Pallet Balls, 30 Bay Balls)
- Located approximately 10.5 NM from Venice Inlet at 246'. Loran C (W/Y) 14124.5/44362.6 at a depth of 63 feet. Or Lat/Long 27" 02.47' N, 82" 38.81'W. NOTE: These are planning coordinates.
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- NOAA has asked the Reef Ball Development Group to assist in a research project to determine if oculina corals will form on Reef Balls (tm) on deep waters ridges off the east coast of Florida.
- Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
- Royal Caribbean has received an initial truckload of Bay Balls for testing around their privately owned out Island off of Haiti. The company plans to begin a full scale reef restoration project to enhance snorkeling for passengers and fishing for the island of Haiti.
- Chamberlain Senior High School
- Students are deploying two Bay Balls (tm) and twenty Model Balls (tm) as part of a science program on October 5th in Tampa, Florida. The molds were provided free as part of our Reefs Around The Nation (tm) program. The high school has won awards in the past for a video presentation of their artificial reef projects.
- Club Cozumel Caribe
- Club Cozumel Caribe, the Reef Ball Development Group, and a team of 20 artists (Down With Art) from around the world joined together to create an underwater sculpture park at the hotel's beach. Construction took place from November 7th through 30th. 10 sculptures and 15 Bay Balls were made and deployed during that period. The Reef Ball Group and the artists are all donating their time to construct the underwater sculpture park that will be used by hotel guests for snorkeling and diving. See current press release for more details.
Palm Beach County Reef Research Dive Team
- The Palm Beach County Reef Research Dive Team picked up two Pallet Balls and one Bay Ball to display at the Palm Beach County Fairgrounds. This year's fair theme is saving the oceans. After display, the units will be added to the Reef Ball research reef near Peanut Island.
- Brooksville, Florida Reef Builder's and Florida Mining & Materials Site
- Reef Ball. has hired one of the Brooksville Dive Club volunteers (Michell Richardson) to continue producing Reef, Pallet and Bay Balls at the Brooksville Florida Mining & Materials Ready Mix Plant. The units made will form stock for Reef Ball so that Reef Balls can be ready for quick delivery to sites throughout Florida. Florida Mining & Materials is donating end-of-day concrete waste for the project. If you would like a Reef Ball for public display (outside of your dive shop, at a fair, in a public aquarium, or where ever) you may pick up free display Reef, Pallet or Bay Balls at the Brooksville site. Contact Reef Ball for details. Reef Builder's Inc. is planning on setting up several such sites in 1996 throughout the country.
Aquarium of the Americas, New Orleans
- The Aquarium has added several Reef Ball sizes to many of the exhibits.
Stoney Lake (SE Michigan) US Scuba Center Project
US Scuba Center has been pre-approved for a Reef Ball mold use grant to build Reef Balls for deployment at Stoney Lake (freshwater) which is used for scuba training. Reef Balls will be place at the thermocline level to create fish habitat and to provide training opportunities for divers.
The Jason Project & Outdoor Education Program
The Environmental Education Program of BOCES serves 18 full school districts and another 20 individual schools an hour north of New York City. Their programs take place at 120 nature centers, in the schools, at at their technology center on main campus. They serve 31,000 students. Reef Ball has donated through our grant program mini-Reef Ball molds so that students can build and study Reef Balls. The Jason project involves a field trip to Key Largo and the older students may work with the Boy Scouts High Adventure Sea Base to build and deploy larger Reef Balls.
Flagler County, Florida
Twenty five Reef Balls were deployed in June of 1996 in about 70 feet of water at 44673.1 62030.7 or 29'27.594N 80'57.539 W which is about 20.2 NM @ 138* from Natezes (sp?) Pass. The project was funded by the county's artificial reef program. Reef Innovations and Diving Specialists, Inc. completed the project for the county.
Volusia County, Florida
Twenty Reef Balls, Seventy Five Pallet Balls and Thirty One Bay Balls were deployed in June 1996 in Volusia County at 44396.2 61974.1 in 75 feet of water. The project was funded by a grant from the DEP Office of fishery management. Reef Innovations and Diving Specialists, Inc. completed the project for the county.
Santa Rosa County, Florida
Ninety Four Reef Balls were deployed in various arrays in 15 different locations. (See artificial reef coordinates page for all these coordinates). The project was funded by the DEP Office of Fishery Management and completed by Coastal Reef Builders, Inc.
- Mass. recieved a grant for a Reef Ball Project and is planning deployment in Spring of '97
- New York received a grant for a Reef Ball project.
- Puerto Rico-Coralations is managing this project.
Bahamas- Jack Sievers of Sea Us First was awarded this contract.
- Sidney, B.C.-See the Sidney BC Pier Project on our links page for details. Sidney got their molds on July 2nd, 1996. OVER 300 Bay Balls have been sunk at the Pier on Bevan & the first monitoring is in...they are doing great!
- Hernando County, FL-Grant Pending
The Central Florida Dive Club added another dozen Reef Balls to the Coffman Memorial Reef. Another deployment is sceduled for this year.
- Ft. Lauderdale DNR put down 30 more Reef Balls during a barge deployment of other materials.
Spanish River High School Presents The Reef Ball Construction and Deployment Project!
- South Carolina DNR has awarded a contract to construct 1,200 more Pallet Ball molds to Geothermal Energy Management for deployment on 7 sites.
- Disney Cruise lines took delivery of over 450 Reef Balls of various sizes for a project in the Bahamas in February of 1997.
- Coastal Reef Builders took an order for 6 bargeloads, deployed in March of 1997 in Alabama and Mississippi.
- Texas' artificial reef program has applied for 8 Pallet Ball molds to be used near South Padre Island in a community project.
- Sarasota deployed more Reef Balls along with channel markers in the bay in January of 1997.
- The Georgia DNR will be putting out a contract for Pallet Balls in Spring of 1997
- We are working a deal to place more than 1,000,000 Reef Balls to restore hundreds of square miles of coral reef! Stay tuned for details...
- Brandenton Beach plans on placing 200 Reef Ball along side the community's fishing pier
- NY's DNR is placing 60 Pallet Balls in this Spring
- We are working with a non-profit organziation to get Reef Balls in several locations near Punta Gorda Florida
- 6 Bay Balls will be placed in a public aquarium in Portland Oregon this Spring
- More Reef Balls will be added to the Sidney BC pier on Bevan project this year
- We added a new distributor in Queensland, Austrailia to provide Reef Balls to various Resorts
- A Reef Ball project is being organized by a high school in St. John's County in Florida
- A Joint project with two schools will be using Reef Balls in Tampa this year
- Gulf County Florida has applied for a grant using Reef Balls
- A school in the Keys will be undertaking a Reef Ball project this year
- Reef Balls are now being built in Quatar and have been deployed
- We are adding a distributor in Brazil and a scientific research project will use Reef Balls this year
- EMPACA is constructing a submerged breakwater utilizing 400 Reef Balls to create a beach in the Dominican Republic. Construction will be finished by MAY 1998.
- Over 1000 Reef Balls will be added off the coast of Georgia in the Spring of 1998 (Construction is underway by Coastal Reef Builders and Geothermal Energy Management)
- Over 400 Reef Balls will be added off the coast of North Carolina in the Spring of 1998 (Construction is underway by Reef Innovations, Inc.
- Over 50 Reef Balls were deployed off Texas in the Fall of 1997
- Malaysia to order Reef Balls to protect National Park Islands
- Atlantis Submarine is constructing and deploying Reef Balls in Guam
- Holland America Cruise Lines is taking delivery of 60 Reef Balls to create a snorkeling reef on their Bahamas out Island
- Disney Cruise Lines placed over 400 Reef Balls on their Bahamas out island for snorkeling
- Mexico Beach, Florida continues to develop several Reef Ball reefs. Several hundred Reef Balls have already been deployed
- NY deployed over 100 Reef Balls by Black Hawk Helicopter in the Fall of 1997
- Sarasota County DNR continues to lead the way with new uses of Reef Balls deploying over 100 Reef Balls to hold informational buoys about 100 yards off the beaches to alert boaters of the no boating zones.
- St. Augustine High School continues their project with increased efforts
- Over 150 Bay Balls were used in Sarasota Bay to enhance fishing placed in the Fall of 1997
- Mold grants were approved for the Sarasota Sportfishing Club to produce a club reef in Sarasota Bay from Jan 1998 til March of 1998.
- Due to the large volume of new projects, we have been unable to keep up this page...we hope to catch up soon. Please call the office if you are looking for details on a specific project.
- The State of New Jersey, DNR purchased a Pallet Ball mold system for on-going projects
- Jamacia has constructed it's first Reef Balls and a large scale project will follow with a goal of enhancing lobster habitat
- S.C. will deploy an additional 120 Reef Balls in the Northern portion of the state in the Spring of 1997
- Coastal Reef Builders continues to deploy large numbers of Reef Ball throughout the panhandle of Florida for private fishing and diving groups
- Lots and Lots more!
We are gearing up for a large number of projects over the summer of 1998 that cannot yet be announced. Stay tuned for details!
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